Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Fruit Purees

This is probably the simplest and nutritious food you can give your baby when they starts semi-solids:

Apple puree:
2 apples (take the skin and seeds out)
1-1.5 cups of water.

Pressure cook* for 12-15 mins without whistle or 5 mins with the whistle.
Use a blender and puree. Try it once and then you can add more water or reduce the water depending on the consistency your baby likes.

About 4 x 2oz  portions. You don't want to make too much of this and freeze this the very first time, you might want to try it with your baby and see if s/he like it.

Pear puree:
2 pears (take the skin and seeds out)
1-1.5 cups of water

Exact same procedure as above.  
About 4 x 2oz  portions.

Avocado puree:
1/2 ripe avocado (take out any spots which are darks)
2-3 of milk

Cut the avocado into peices and add milk to it and blend it with a blender until its a smooth paste.


Dont store this, make this fresh before you give it to the baby as Avocado turn black when it comes in contact with the air, if you have to keep it out for little bit leave the pit inside as it will prevent it from going black. Take the pit out before giving to the baby and you can take out an dark bits floating at the top.

Avocado puree has a lot of antioxidants and is very nutritious.

Caution :
If the baby isn't used to having solids you might want to sieve it using a thick sieve to ensure that there are no bits of apple/pear etc which might get stuck in the throat. Bits in the puree make cause choking so please ensure its a smooth puree without any bits.

* I use a 2 quart pressure cooker (not electric). If you can't find a 2 quart one you can use a 4 quart, it just uses more energy to heat up a bigger cooker, but should take about the same time, give or take a minute or two.

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